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black friday and cyber monday shoppers are hot on the trail of the best deals this holiday season. but do you know when a sale is too good to be true? even on reputable websites like amazon, there's a chance you'll stumble across a product posted by a fake seller just looking to scam eager shoppers. e-commerce researchers have found a scam targeting online consumers, tricking holiday shoppers with the promise of incredible discounts on sites like amazon and walmart. what makes these scammers so convincing is the fact that they create a storefront littered with dozens or even hundreds of other products. it gives consumers the impression that the seller has a huge collection of products and sells to online shoppers often - building trust. and a few other sites. the first is for free, and has a few requirements that are the question was a real one for me, i want to get money the remarkable thing about quora is that they don't charge us to participate. masters from antwerp management school (graduated 2021)author has 255 answers and 1.1m answer views4y how to make money on amazon appmake money on
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how to make money on amazon appbriefing 27-10-2015 online consumer review sites and platforms are tools that are widely used by consumers and are becoming embedded in both consumer behaviour and business models. a 2013 european consumer centres' network web survey showed that 82% of respondents read consumer reviews before shopping. tools for increasing consumer awareness and raising their trust in the market should not, however, mislead consumers with fake reviews, which, according to different estimates, represent between 1% and 16% of all 'consumer' reviews. directive 2005/29/ec, the unfair commercial practices directive, concerning unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices in the internal market defines misleading or aggressive commercial practices and prohibits, in particular, the practice of falsely representing oneself as a consumer. misleading or fake reviews undermine consumers' confidence in the integrity of online reviews and lead to consumer detriment. a fake review can be defined as a positive, neutral or negative review that is not an actual consumer's honest and impartial opinion or that does not reflect a consumer's genuine experience of a product, service or business. some european consumer organisations say review sites would benefit from being regulated, or to some extent standardised. the problem of fake online reviews not only concerns individual consumers; it can lead to an erosion of consumer confidence in the online market, which can reduce competition. to deal with this issue, some guidelines have already been adopted by consumer enforcement bodies, regulators and other stakeholders, in the eu and internationally. enforcement actions have also been taken. fake online reviews should be taken seriously, as more and more consumers buy online, and the practice is becoming increasingly sophisticated.